Anyone else wants to join?
from to on 27 Mar 19:27

Found on mastadon


threaded - newest on 27 Mar 19:58 next collapse

Saruman has left himself in chat idle and AFK. He had forgotten to take Gandalf off auto-invite after their ordeal. on 27 Mar 19:58 next collapse

This is fake news. If this would happen (however unlikely) Gandalf would probably stay quiet about being added to the group and just write about it in his weekly magazine. Also, there were no war plans discussed. on 27 Mar 20:02 collapse

Also Sauron would claim that having Gandalf in this chat did not pose any risks or breaches in operational security. They would further suggest that since Gandalf is a “so called” wizard (with ties to hobbits) the chat itself is some kind of hoax and that Sauron should be trusted over Gandalf. on 27 Mar 20:24 next collapse

This whole saga is only getting funnier. But the funniest (and saddest) part is that there still is a sizable portion of people who still don’t want to see the ridiculousness of this situation. on 27 Mar 21:07 collapse

Sauron only saw Gandalf as an even more powerful and useful tool for him. Who would want to destroy the Ring? Madness. on 27 Mar 19:58 next collapse

Loop in The Atlantic for good measure. on 27 Mar 20:11 next collapse


[deleted] on 27 Mar 20:16 next collapse

. on 27 Mar 20:28 next collapse

💍🧙‍♂️🌋 on 27 Mar 21:42 next collapse

Okay, this is funny as fuck XD on 27 Mar 21:45 next collapse

Isn’t it basically the Palantir story? on 27 Mar 22:04 next collapse

I’m sorry my lord, but you did say to add the white wizard… How was I to know there were two of them now?? on 27 Mar 22:36 collapse

no it was pippin that was accidentally added when he touched the orb thing