Hmm… More Silmarillionposting would improve my morale, which would stop Silmarillionposting, which in turn lowers my morale and thus would necessitate even more Silmarillionposting.
on 27 Nov 2024 18:47
This is an example of a negative feedback loop.
on 27 Nov 2024 00:39
Imagine how enraged Feanor must have been, he the greatest of all elves, having been thrice denied a single strand of her hair while she gives some stinky dwarf three.
threaded - newest
Hmm… More Silmarillionposting would improve my morale, which would stop Silmarillionposting, which in turn lowers my morale and thus would necessitate even more Silmarillionposting.
This is an example of a negative feedback loop.
Feanor: no
Morgoth: and I took that personally
Galadriel: (has hair)
Feanor: is it for me?
Gimli has entered the chat
Imagine how enraged Feanor must have been, he the greatest of all elves, having been thrice denied a single strand of her hair while she gives some stinky dwarf three.
Absolute Chad move by Galadriel.