Caddy reverse proxy
from to on 18 Mar 01:44

I 'm trying to setup a caddy reverse proxy within Docker and I am following the guide in this YouTube video but when I the run docker compose up -d command I get this error:

failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error mounting “/home/Joe/container/caddy/Caddyfile” to rootfs at “/etc/caddy/Caddyfile”: create mountpoint for /etc/caddy/Caddyfile mount: cannot create subdirectories in “/var/lib/docker/overlay2/49e15938cd9c418a331b963f6fbbd3bba726b28748113ee8d028f6adf034b525/merged/etc/caddy/Caddyfile”: not a directory: unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type

I am a bit perplexed on what I am doing wrong so any advice would be appreciated!


threaded - newest on 18 Mar 01:48 next collapse

Can you share your compose file? You should be able to paste into code blocks in a comment or your original post. It’s likely you’ve yamld something wrong. on 18 Mar 01:59 collapse

Sounds like a bad prank show

YOU GOT YAML’D! 🤪 on 18 Mar 01:54 next collapse

Ik this sounds like a stackoverflow kind of thing to say but why u using caddy not nginx?

Edit: I’ve uploaded my nginx config if you would like to take a look on 18 Mar 01:58 next collapse

nginx >>>>> on 18 Mar 02:10 next collapse

Caddy is growing in popularity and finding its ways into more and more tutorials. Traefik and Caddy seem to be found in more reverse proxy tutorials/docs than NPM anymore. Forget about SWAG these days. on 18 Mar 05:28 collapse

Because caddy has built in, and default enabled, SSL of all sites using letsencrypt, something nginx doesn’t have from what I can see. on 18 Mar 06:00 collapse

Nginx does not have default SSL but the example I’ve uploaded has its quite a simple setup and gives you far greater control and modularity. on 18 Mar 01:57 next collapse

I have always had trouble whenever I tried mounting files, and it seems that you’re getting the same error, “not a directory”.

Stick to mounting directories and you should be fine

/home/Joe/container/caddy:/etc/caddy on 18 Mar 02:13 next collapse

Do you already have the file created and populated at ‘/home/Joe/container/caddy/Caddyfile’ before running your up command? on 18 Mar 02:50 collapse

I do but I am wondering if the syntax in my caddyfile is wrong.

I did get past my initial error thanks to this group but I cannot get to my portainer via host name still. on 18 Mar 04:25 next collapse

You can format it automatically on 18 Mar 07:03 collapse

I do but I am wondering if the syntax in my caddyfile is wrong.

Caddy can format caddyfiles;

caddy fmt --overwrite /home/Joe/container/caddy/Caddyfile
caddy validate --config /home/Joe/container/caddy/Caddyfile --adapter caddyfile on 18 Mar 02:20 next collapse

I was successful in installing and using caddy directly on my host instead of podman (docker).

Edit: someone doesn’t like that I succeeded at it … on 18 Mar 02:21 next collapse

Here is my YAMLD YAML haha

version: ‘3.3’ networks: caddy: services: portainer: image: portainer/portainer-ce:latest container_name: portainer2 restart: unless-stopped security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro - /home/Joe/containers/portainer/portainer-data:/data networks: - caddy ports: - 9000:9000

caddy: image: caddy:latest restart: unless-stopped container_name: caddy ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 volumes: - /home/Joe/container/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile - /home/Joe/container/caddy/site:/srv - /home/Joe/container/caddy/caddy_data:/data - /home/Joe/container/caddy/caddy_config:/config networks: - caddy volumes: caddy_data: on 18 Mar 02:50 collapse

The error suggests that you’re trying to mount a file (Caddyfile) onto a directory or vice versa. Let’s debug this step by step.

Steps to Fix:

  1. Check if the path exists and is correct Run:

    ls -ld /home/Joe/container/caddy/Caddyfile
    • If it’s a directory, it should be a file instead.
    • If it doesn’t exist, create an empty one:
      touch /home/Joe/container/caddy/Caddyfile
  2. Ensure correct permissions

    chmod 644 /home/Joe/container/caddy/Caddyfile
  3. Check YAML Formatting
    Your docker-compose.yml seems to have incorrect indentation and improper quotes around version. Here’s a fixed version:

    version: "3.3"
        image: portainer/portainer-ce:latest
        container_name: portainer2
        restart: unless-stopped
          - no-new-privileges:true
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
          - /home/Joe/containers/portainer/portainer-data:/data
          - caddy
          - 9000:9000
        image: caddy:latest
        restart: unless-stopped
        container_name: caddy
          - 80:80
          - 443:443
          - /home/Joe/container/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
          - /home/Joe/container/caddy/site:/srv
          - /home/Joe/container/caddy/caddy_data:/data
          - /home/Joe/container/caddy/caddy_config:/config on 18 Mar 03:47 collapse

Seems like AI wrote this. And did a good job! on 19 Mar 00:56 collapse

Thank you everyone for your help!

I elected to start from scratch and use nginx and have come across another issue that I am hoping someone can shed some light on.

  • I’ve purchased a domain.
  • configured CloudFlare to use as my DNS.
  • set up a CNAME for my two test containers.
  • set up my SSL cert in nginx
  • forwarded the proper ports on my router for my test containers.
  • Configured two hosts. AudioBookShelf and Portainer

I can get to my Audiobookshelf perfectly from the web but when I try to reach my portainer it just re-directs to my audiobookshelf container.

When I disable audiobookshelf and attempt access my portainer I now get error code 521 website down. I am not sure what I misconfigured.