Calibre-Web-Automated: Release 3.0.1 (
from to on 31 Jan 20:41

I didn’t copy in the updates this time because there are so many, and I can’t tell what’s important since I haven’t tried this one out yet. See the link above for the changes :)

More info for those that aren’t familiar

Calibre, while a fantastic tool for its age, has several problems when containerised, including its reliance on a KasmVNC server instance for the UI, which is near impossible to use on mobile and is relatively resource-heavy if you’re running a small, lower power server like I am.

For many, Calibre-Web has really swooped in to save the day, offering an alternative to a containerised Calibre instance that’s resource-light and with a much more modern UI to boot.

However, when compared to full-fat Calibre, it unfortunately lacks a few core features leading many to run both services in parallel, each serving to fill in where the other lacks, resulting in an often clunky, imperfect solution.

Goal of the Project 🎯 Calibre-Web Automated aims to be an all-in-one solution, combining the modern lightweight web UI from Calibre-Web with the robust, versatile feature set of Calibre, with a slew of extra features and automations thrown in on top.


threaded - newest on 31 Jan 21:26 next collapse

Recently set up cwa, mostly to have an easier way to get my books on my e-reader since koreader supports opds. It’s been super easy so far and has a great interface, like it way better thenz calibre desktop. on 31 Jan 21:56 next collapse

Oh my god, somebody finally found a way for me to leave calibre?

Can’t wait to install this. on 01 Feb 00:48 next collapse

If you look closely, a .epub is just a zip archive of a bunch of very simple html pages. So extracting the zip and viewing the HTML with a browser works fine. on 01 Feb 03:59 collapse

Can this handle plugins? I use a modded DeDRM on my Kindle Unlimited books, and so require plugin support. on 02 Feb 14:35 next collapse

As far as I’m aware, Calibre-Web serves are web front-end for calibre. I think you might have to install plugins manually on the desktop version, but it should be active when importing a book over the Calibre-web, especially DeDRM. on 04 Feb 07:44 collapse

It uses the Calibre database but isn’t a frontend per se. With care, you could share the db between the two, and just call up the desktop version when dedrm is needed. There’s also a docker mod with the LSIO container but I think it only supports format conversion. on 04 Feb 13:24 collapse

It uses the Calibre database but isn’t a frontend per se.

Thanks for clearing that up. on 03 Feb 14:22 collapse

Github README says plugin support especially DeDRM is highest priority on the roadmap so not yet it seems but soon