sharevb/it-tools: Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX. (
from to on 20 Mar 09:00

This is a fork of the original project that is way ahead now.


threaded - newest on 20 Mar 09:27 next collapse

It’s a lot friendlier with a link :) on 20 Mar 10:41 next collapse

It’s a lot friendlier with friends. 🍻 on 20 Mar 11:33 collapse

Strange, I’m pretty sure I did fill in the url. Or does attaching a picture change the post type so the url is not taken into account? on 20 Mar 11:43 collapse

Yeah it’s one or the other unfortunately on 20 Mar 12:13 collapse

I’ll keep that in mind next time on 20 Mar 14:19 next collapse

When you post a link, you can add a thumbnail image URL! In the default lemmy-ui, it should be right under where you upload an image :) on 21 Mar 08:05 collapse

I see now on 20 Mar 17:38 collapse

Lemmy also allows you to edit your post afterwards, so you could still do it. on 21 Mar 08:04 collapse

Only trough the mobile ui. Or at least not trough the default ui on on 20 Mar 09:27 next collapse

Looks great! on 20 Mar 11:43 next collapse

I just had a quick play around with it, HEIC converter is something I didn’t know I needed (I have a large backup from my iPhone which has HEICs), and I like the .eml parser just to name a couple.

I’ll be adding this to my server for sure. Thanks for sharing on 20 Mar 11:47 next collapse

IT tools is a really good looking app with a lot of tools, but I think it might also be the definition of choice paralysis lol on 20 Mar 18:44 collapse

It’s not like you approach it with “maybe I’ll convert json to xml today”.

It’s for when you have a thing to do and know you can do it there. on 20 Mar 19:29 collapse

Yeah, for sure, it’s just remembering all of the things it can do seems pretty tricky lol on 20 Mar 12:07 next collapse

Hmmm… Interesting! I didn’t realize there was a fork, but then again, this is one of those tools I’ve had running for several months close to a year or so and never thought about it. The original dev, Corentin, has been working on many more new projects: . on 20 Mar 12:17 collapse

Same for me, that’s why I shared it. I don’t know why he’s not merging PR’s because this fork tries to share everything back. on 20 Mar 12:22 collapse

I don’t see a server, so shouldn’t this be “a collection of offline tools”? Throw in a service worker to cache everything (maybe it has one?) and there’s no reason to ever hit the server after first load. on 20 Mar 12:28 next collapse

So basically a browser extension? Actually it would be preferable in the Firefox sidebar vs a standalone site… on 20 Mar 12:38 collapse

There are lots of options:

  • extension, as you mentioned
  • Tauri app - like election, but uses system web view instead of baking in a browser
  • PWA - service workers to make it work offline in the browser

Each is pretty easy, and the PWA means you can basically get the Tauri app feel for free. on 20 Mar 16:19 collapse

It’s the kind of thing I host so that no matter what device I’m sitting in front of, I can easily pull it up. Hence a server is needed. I’m not talking about just my own laptop or phone, I mean any shared or borrowed device.

I find it so useful I pull it up almost every workday.