Looking for a collaborative bookmark manager
from pavot_au_menthol@jlai.lu to selfhosted@lemmy.world on 10 Feb 15:09

With a few other volunteers we are monitoring a list of websites for a local project. Every few days we manually go through all those links to check if new events were published on those websites. (We can not automate this task). I installed readeck.org/en/ on my server, but it isn’t suited for our use case. I am looking for an opensource tool where everyone (without creating an account) can go to

I know i could just use a shared Ethercalc or any table tool but i would love a dedicated tool where the last clic by someone on a link is automatically monitored and update the last visit date. Also it would be great that when adding a new link, the tool would check if it isn’t already in the database. Our goal is to simplify this collaborative task and avoid the time spent checking websites others have already checked a few days ago.

I hope some of you have any ideas


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AbidanYre@lemmy.world on 10 Feb 15:16 next collapse


maybe? Not sure if it lets you share without an account.

pavot_au_menthol@jlai.lu on 10 Feb 15:41 collapse

Thanks, i just checked and there isn’t any feature to monitor the last visit date

catloaf@lemm.ee on 10 Feb 17:35 next collapse

Why can’t you automate it? If you have to, you can simulate a browser with Selenium or something

m@social.tthi.as on 11 Feb 01:18 next collapse

Sorry, you didn't go into any detail about why you can't automate the process of detecting changes in web pages, so I'm going to offer an automation suggestion anyway:


pavot_au_menthol@jlai.lu on 11 Feb 05:14 collapse

Thanks ! This look very interesting, i am going to dig with this tool.

Strit@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show on 11 Feb 09:15 collapse

tool where everyone (without creating an account)

You might already have thought of this, but if this is open to anyone on the internet, expect lots of spam links to be posted there.