Managarr v0.5.1 is Out with Multi-Instance support! (
from to on 01 Mar 05:30

Managarr - A TUI and CLI to help you manage your Servarrs.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, be that in code, issues, or enhancement suggestions! You all help fuel my passion for working on this and it doesn’t go unappreciated! 😄

As always, you can try out the changes yourself via the Managarr Demo Site

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threaded - newest on 01 Mar 05:58 next collapse

Maybe these are noob questions, but what is a TUI? And is this filling the same niche as overseerr, or is this something different? on 01 Mar 06:01 next collapse

Text UI on 01 Mar 06:04 collapse

Oh, i see, Thanks! Never heard that term before. on 01 Mar 13:34 next collapse

Terminal user interface. Way back before we had GUIs, we had line drawing characters for text graphics. on 01 Mar 13:58 collapse

Yeah, I used to use those, just never caught the abbreviation. on 01 Mar 17:06 collapse

To answer your question, I built it for a few reasons:

  • I wanted to learn Rust, so I used this project to do that
  • I really love TUI’s and I pretty much live in my command line at work, and since I already automate everything I can to make my work life easier, I wanted to be able to do the same with my homelab
  • I think it looks cool
  • For fun. If no one else ever gets use out of it, that’s okay! I just really enjoyed building it and I’m excited to build out more of it.

But also: Why not? ☺️

So really, you would only use this if you like TUIs or want a command line tool for interacting with your Servarrs. If you have no use for it, that’s totally fine too!

The one actual use I’ve found people say they use it for is people who don’t want to expose the web interface to interact with their Servarrs and only interact via SSH. Then they like to use this instead. on 01 Mar 06:02 next collapse

I think it’s hilarious people are now building tools to manage the tools that were managing other tools and use more tools to actually do the job they say they are doing. What a world. on 01 Mar 15:14 next collapse

I get this when I click on the demo. Uh, I don’t know why.

<img alt="" src=""> on 01 Mar 17:04 collapse

… Well that’s… Concerning…😅

What browser are you using? I want to try to recreate it! on 01 Mar 21:46 collapse

I’m using librewolf. I’m not sure it’s on your end. I think something else might be going on. on 02 Mar 09:11 collapse

The page uses canvas, and Librewolf blocks some canvas functionality by default for privacy reasons. You should see a little icon to the left of the url that you can click to allow the site to run correctly. on 02 Mar 22:43 collapse

thank you for clearing that up. on 01 Mar 16:24 next collapse

Just a simple little nitpick:

On the Nix/NixOS section of install, you type

Alternatively, for non-NixOS users, you can spawn a temporary shell with Managarr available like so: nix-shell -p managarr

nix-shell -p managarr works just fine on NixOS proper. I use it all the time. on 02 Mar 04:35 collapse

Mm Dark Alex… you are not by chance the guy who made custom PSP firmwares back in the day? on 04 Mar 19:37 collapse

Sadly no I’m not, but I was very inspired by him when I was in that scene! PSP hacking was my first experience with customizing any kind of device beyond what average users can do and it’s what made me fall in love with computers as a kid. I don’t think I’d be the software engineer I am today or even in this field if it wasn’t for him. My name is Alex so I thought I could pay homage to him by choosing a similar username, since he had such a massive impact on my life ☺️