Data HDD with SSD catch drive
from to on 26 Aug 2024 21:02

After upgrading my internet connection I immediatelly noticed that my HDD tops 40 MB/s and bottlnecking download speed in qbittorrent. Is it possible to use SSD drive as a catch drive for 12 TB HDD so it uses SSD speeds when downloading and moves files to HDD later on? If yes, does it make sense? Anyone using anything simmilar? Would 512 GB be enough or could I benefit from 2TB SSD?

HDD is just for jellyfin (movies/shows), not in raid, dont need backup for that drive, I can afford risking data if that matters at all

All suggestions are welcome, Thx in advance

EDIT: I obviously have upset some of you, wasn’t my intention, I’m sorry about that. I love to tinker and learn new things, but I could live with much lower speeds tho… Please don’t hate me if I couldn’t understand your comment or not being clear with my question.

HDD being bottleneck at 40 MB/s was wrong assumption (found out in meantime). I’m still trying to figure out what was the reason for download to be that slow, but I’m interested in learning about the main question anyway. I just thought I’m experiencing the same issue like many people today, having faster internet than storage. Some of you provided solutions I will look into, but need time for that and also have to fix whatever else I’m having issue with.

Keep this community awesome because it is <3


threaded - newest on 26 Aug 2024 21:16 next collapse

You can and Qbittorrent has this functionality built in. You set your in progress download folder to be the SSD then set the move when completed to your HDD.

As for the size, that would depend on how much you are downloading. on 26 Aug 2024 21:22 collapse

But that would first download to SSD, then move to HDD and then become available (arr import) on jellyfin server, making it slower than not using SSD. Am I missing something? on 26 Aug 2024 21:42 collapse

The biggest thing is you have changed a random write to a linear write, something HDDs are significantly better at. The torrent is downloading little pieces from all over the place, requiring the HDD to move it’s head all over the place to write them. But when simply copying off the ssd, it keeps the head in roughly one place and just writes lineally, utilizing it’s maximum write speed.

I would say try it out, see if it helps.

Also, if the HDD is having to do other tasks at the same time, that will slow it down as the head can only ever be in one place. on 26 Aug 2024 22:12 collapse

I might try that, thx on 26 Aug 2024 21:15 next collapse

qBittorrent has exactly the option you’re looking for, I believe it’s called “incomplete download path” in the settings, letting you store incomplete downloads at a temporary path and moving them to their regular location when the download finishes. Aside from the download speed improvement, this will also lead to less fragmentation on your HDD (which might be part of the reason why it is so slow when downloading directly to it). Pre-allocating space could have the same effect, but I would recommend only using one of these two solutions at once (pre-allocating space on your SSD would only waste space) on 26 Aug 2024 21:23 collapse

But that would first download to SSD, then move to HDD and then become available (arr import) on jellyfin server, making it slower than not using SSD. Am I missing something? on 26 Aug 2024 22:12 next collapse

Is it possible to use SSD drive as a catch drive for 12 TB HDD so it uses SSD speeds when downloading and moves files to HDD later on?

Is that not what you asked for? on 26 Aug 2024 22:32 collapse

Well yes, but I was hoping files can be available (imported to media server) before they are moved to HDD. Import is not possible from incomplete directory if I understood that correctly (*arr stack) on 26 Aug 2024 23:05 collapse

You would have to add both directories to your library. on 27 Aug 2024 07:59 collapse

It depends what you’re optimising for. If you want a single (relatively small) download to be available on your HDD as fast as possible, then your current setup might be better (optimising for lower latency). However, if you want to be maxing out your internet speeds at all time and increase your HDD speeds by making the copy sequential (optimising for throughput), then the setup with the catch drive will be better. Keep in mind that a HDD’s sequential write performance is significantly higher than its random write performance, so copying a large file in one go will be faster than copying a whole bunch of random chunks in a random order (like torrents do). You can check the difference for yourself by doing a disk benchmark and comparing the sequential vs random writes of your drive. on 27 Aug 2024 09:56 collapse

Thank you. The files I download are usually 5-30 GB size. I don’t want to max out my internet speed, I just want to get the files in media library ASAP after requesting download manually (happens maybe few times a week)

It makes sense, Ill test sequential and random write performance and maybe even test it since I have the hardware available.

At first I wasn’t aware that my speed is super low for HDD, therefore I was looking for some magic solution with SSD speeds and HDD storage that might not even exist. I have to do more testing for sure on 26 Aug 2024 21:18 next collapse

Depends on the file system, I know for a fact that ZFS supports ssd caches (in the form of l2arc and slog) and I believe that lvm does something similar (although I’ve never used it).

As for the size, it really depends how big the downloads are if you’re not downloading the biggest 4k movies in existence then you should be fine with something reasonably small like a 250 or 500gb ssd (although I’d always recommend higher because of durability and speed) on 26 Aug 2024 21:38 next collapse

l2arc is a read cache. Slog only is for synchronous writes. on 27 Aug 2024 05:33 collapse

Welp, guess I should do my research next time. Thanks for the heads up. on 26 Aug 2024 21:41 collapse

Thx. I use ext4 right now. I might consider reformating, but so many new words to reasearch before deciding that. I heard about ZFS, but not sure is that right for me since I only have 16 GB of RAM.

Downloads are 100-200 GB max, but less than 40 GB most of the time. I have 512 GB in use and 2TB SSD not in use, can swap them if needed on 26 Aug 2024 21:19 next collapse

Yes. It’s part of the application and well documented. What did you try and not work? on 26 Aug 2024 21:30 collapse

Are you also talking about incomplete directory in qbit? Doesnt make it faster afaik, but I might be wrong. I havent tried anything yet, wanted to check is it something usual or not worth at all. Got zero experience with using SSD as catch drive, it just made sense to me on 26 Aug 2024 22:04 next collapse

Yes, if the temporary directory where the files are being downloaded (incomplete folder) is on the SSD, then it will be faster, especially if you’ve identified a cheap HDD as your bottleneck.

Unless you are incorrect about the HDD being the bottleneck. on 26 Aug 2024 22:43 next collapse

Yeah it will be faster, but its extra step before the files get available on HDD.

Even if my HDD is super fast and healthy it would still be a bottleneck for 2Gbps fiber? Ill deffo play with HDD more to find max speeds, wasnt paying attention before because it felt normal to me on 26 Aug 2024 22:48 collapse

Of course it’s an additional step. But it will download faster. Which was what you asked for, specifically in your post above.

If you write directly to your HDD it will take longer to download. If you write to your ( faster?) SSD the download will be faster but yeah, processing has another step of copying.

I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re asking.

Best of luck. on 26 Aug 2024 22:52 collapse

Yeah feels like that lol. Thx anyway, have a nice day dude on 26 Aug 2024 22:53 collapse

what OP wants is to download the file to a SSD, be able to use it on the SSD for a time, and then have the file moved to spinning disk later when they don’t need to wait for it.

this is just adding an extra step to the process before the file can be available to use. you’re just saving the copying to the HDD until the very end of the torrent. on 26 Aug 2024 22:58 collapse

Yeah, of course it is. Because that’s what OP asked for. I don’t see ( use it for a bit first and then automatically copy it over ).

I see:

Is it possible to use SSD drive as a catch drive for 12 TB HDD so it uses SSD speeds when downloading and moves files to HDD later on?

I assumed OP wanted Faster Download Speeds > Time to Access File

You know what. I don’t care. This whole post is ridiculous. on 26 Aug 2024 23:06 collapse

what is the point of faster download if you just have to do another entire copy after that? on 26 Aug 2024 23:15 collapse

Ask OP on 26 Aug 2024 23:16 collapse

or you could, you know, think about it for a second from their point of view. and they have already clarified this in other comments. on 26 Aug 2024 23:17 collapse

Man you’re slow.

I don’t need to think about anything. I’ve built out millions upon millions of dollars worth of infrastructure over the past 20 years. I understand the options.

I answered the question asked. Others hinted at raid solutions. OP went out of his way to let us know how he’s a newb so good luck with that.

Long term solution is 100% setting up a raid. on 26 Aug 2024 23:32 collapse

wtf does raid have to do with anything here? yeah, sure, I’m the slow one. on 26 Aug 2024 23:38 collapse

Wow. Good luck with life bro. on 27 Aug 2024 05:30 collapse

the dude asks about SSD cash for torrents and your multimillion-dollar answer is “raid”. lol

as people have already pointed out multiple times, what OP wants is something like mergerfs or unraid which can handle files on SSD cash and then move to spinning disks later. on 27 Aug 2024 16:40 collapse

It seems that the commenter’s intention was clear to everyone except you. The commenter acknowledged the need for RAID software or a specific file system, mentioning that it had already been addressed. Understood the budget and OP being an newb.

Although their tone may have been blunt, they stayed focused on their original point.

But you just kept nagging. lol

Either way OP was helped and now you can sleep knowing you did your part. A true internet hero. on 26 Aug 2024 22:32 collapse

Yeah, I use the incomplete folder location as a cache drive for my downloads as well. works quite nicely. It also keeps the incomplete ISOs out of jellyfin until they're actually ready to watch, so, bonus.

If it's not going faster for you there's probably something else that's broke. on 26 Aug 2024 22:39 collapse

It will download faster to SSD, but then I have to wait the files to be moved to HDD before getting them imported in media server. Im not after big numbers in qbit, I just want to start watching faster if possible. Sorry Im probably not explaining well and Im not sure if Im asking for something that even make sense on 26 Aug 2024 22:41 collapse

qbittorrent moves the completed files to the assigned literally as soon as it is done. on 26 Aug 2024 22:50 next collapse

Im doing more research, but will defo test this on 26 Aug 2024 22:55 collapse

but if the disk is actually bottlenecking at 40MB/s it will still take time to copy from the SSD. That plus the initial download to SSD will just end up being more time than downloading to the spinning disk at 40MB/s in the first place. on 26 Aug 2024 23:07 next collapse

That's not how hard drives work, and doesn't take into account that OP might want to download more than one thing at a time.

Hard drives are fastest when they are moving large single files. SSDs are way better than hard drives at lots of small random reads/writes.Setting qbittorrent up so that all the random writes inherent to downloading a torrent go to a small ssd, and then moving that file over to the big hard drive with a single long writer operation is how you make both devices perform to their best. on 26 Aug 2024 23:06 collapse

I doubt the disk will bottleneck at 40mb/s when doing sequential write. Torrent downloads are usually heavy random writes, which is the worst you can do to a HDD. on 26 Aug 2024 21:23 next collapse

40MB/s is very very low even for a HDD. I would eventually debug why it’s that low.

Yes it’s possible. FS like zfs btrfs etc. support that. on 26 Aug 2024 21:31 next collapse

agreed, I think there is something else going on here. test the write speed with another application, I doubt the drive actually maxes out at 40MB/s unless it’s severely fragmented or failing.

incidentally what OP wants is how most people set up Unraid servers. SSD cache takes incoming files for write speed, then at a later time the OS moves the files to the spinning disk array. on 26 Aug 2024 21:50 next collapse

Its the cheapest drive I could find (refurbished seagate from amazon), I thought thats the reason for being slow, but wasnt aware its that low. Im also getting 25-40 MB/s (200-320 Mbps) when copying files from this drive over network. Streaming works great so its not too slow at all. Is there better way of debugging this? What speeds can I expect from good drive or best drive?

Ill research more about BTRFS and ZFS, thx on 26 Aug 2024 21:53 collapse

can you copy files to it from another local disk? on 26 Aug 2024 22:09 collapse

Yeah, but need to figure out how to see transfer speed using ssh. Sorry noob here :) on 26 Aug 2024 22:53 collapse

If you use scp (cp over ssh) you should see the transfer speed. on 27 Aug 2024 00:01 collapse

I have managed to copy with rsync and getting 180 MB/s. I guess my initial assumption was wrong, HDD is obviously not bottleneck here, it can get close to ISP speed. Thank you for pointing this out, Ill do more testing these days. Im kinda shocked because I never knew HDD can be that fast. Gonna reread all the comments as well on 27 Aug 2024 06:24 next collapse

The cool thing about rsync is that it goes ”BRRRRRRRRR!” like a warthog… the plane… and it can saturate the receiving drive or array depending on your network and client. And getting 180 with rsync… on a SATA drive, can’t really hope for more.

And you can run a quick n dirty test is using dd

$> dd if=/dev/zero of=1g-testfile bs=1g count=1 on 27 Aug 2024 09:46 collapse

Thx. Ive seen dd commands in guides how to test drive speed, but I’m not sure how can I specify what drive I want to test. I see I could change “if” and “of”, but don’t trust myself enough to use my own modified commands before understanding them better. Will read more about that. Honestly I’m surprised drive speed test is not easier, but its probably just me still being noob xD on 27 Aug 2024 10:33 collapse

Let’s say you want to test a drive that is mounted on /tmp… you just cd into that directory and you can use my example.

You can use

$> df -h or $> mount

to check how your drive is mounted in the OS Most ”default ” installations will have 1-4 partitions and / being partition 3 or 4.

So if you look at the mount command and / is /dev/sdX3 (where X can be a-z depending on how many drives you have connected) and no other mounts are in the output then every directory under / is on that drive… so you can run my example from your home-directory if you fancy that. on 27 Aug 2024 13:23 collapse

Thank you a lot for being patient with me :D

dd if=/dev/zero of=1g-testfile bs=1G count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 4.62269 s, 232 MB/s

This HDD is obviously working fine and much faster than I thought it can. I guess I have to find bottleneck elswhere on 27 Aug 2024 14:39 collapse

If I can at least help on stranger on the internet… well, then I have helped one stranger on the internet 😂 on 27 Aug 2024 15:11 collapse

Hehe you are awesome 😂 on 28 Aug 2024 10:37 collapse

The limitation of HDDs was never sequential Read/Write when it comes to day to day use on a PC.

The huge difference to an SSD is when data is written or read not sequentially, often referred to random I/O. on 26 Aug 2024 22:58 next collapse

Btrfs doesn’t support using a cache drive on 26 Aug 2024 23:03 collapse

It’s probably a 5400rpm drive, and/or SMR. Both are going to make it slower. on 27 Aug 2024 11:14 next collapse

5.4k + smr would explain it at write but not at read. on 28 Aug 2024 07:44 collapse

In my very limited experience with my 5400rpm SMR WD disk, it’s perfectly capable of writing at over 100 MB/s until its cache runs out, then it pretty much dies until it has time to properly write the data, rinse and repeat.

40 MB/s sustained is weird (but maybe it’s just a different firmware? I think my disk was able to actually sustain 60 MB/s for a few hours when I limited the write speed, 40 could be a conservative setting that doesn’t even slowly fill the cache) on 26 Aug 2024 21:38 next collapse

Unraid has this with their cache pools. ZFS can also be configured to have a cache drive for writes.

You can also DIY with something like mergerfs and separate file systems. on 26 Aug 2024 22:14 collapse

Ive heard about all of these before, gonna do more research. Thank you on 26 Aug 2024 21:47 next collapse

Great that you have a catch drive. I assume the data drive manages everything. So I’m going to call that the manager drive.

Now you just need:

A 1st base drive.

A 2nd base drive.

A 3rd base drive.

A shortstop drive.

A left Field drive.

A center field drive.

A right field drive.

About 3-4 starting drives

A half dozen reliever drives.

A closer drive.

A hittch coach drive

And a couple of base running coach drives!

Got yourself a baseball team! on 26 Aug 2024 22:01 next collapse

Any HDD should be able to get at least 100MB/s sequential write speed. Unfortunately torrent writes are usually very random, which just kills hdd performance. Multiple parallel downloads or concurrent playback from the same disk will only make it worse.

Using a SSD for temporary files will absolutely help. It should be big enough to hold all the files you are downloading at any one time.

You could also try to find a write cache setting that works for you. That way what would usually be many small writes can be combined to bigger chunks in memory before sending them to storage. Depending on how much ram is available I would start at 1GB or so and if it is still bottlenecking try in- or decreasing until it improves. Of course always stay in the range of free ram.

Back when I was torrenting (ages ago) write cache helped a lot. It should be somewhere in the settings menu. on 26 Aug 2024 22:24 next collapse

Oh, you are talking about torrent client settings? I could spare 1-2 GB of RAM, but not more than that (got 16 GB in total). I see this might help a lot, but I would I still be limited with HDD max write speed? Using SSD for temporary files sounds great, but waiting files to be coppied to HDD would slow it down if I understood correctly on 26 Aug 2024 23:26 collapse

My solution to this was to put the default download folder on an nvme and then move the torrent to a storage hdd after completion on 26 Aug 2024 22:10 next collapse

I do this with mergerfs.

I then periodically use their prewritten scripts to move things off the cache and to the backing drives.

I should say it’s not really caching but effectively works to take care of this issue. Bonus since all that storage isn’t just used for cache but also long term storage. For me, that’s a better value proposition. on 26 Aug 2024 22:17 collapse

Thanks, Ill check mergefs on 26 Aug 2024 23:07 collapse

<3 mergerfs and <3 my setup, but just a warning: make sure you read the documentation and ensure you’ve got all the proper options set in your fstab entry for the mergerfs mount.

There’s a lot of stuff in there that can interact weirdly with various pieces of software and lead to the most insane debug sessions because, well, why would a drive mount break other software (in my case it was qbittorrent in docker when an upgrade required me to change the mount options to not include direct_io). on 27 Aug 2024 00:26 collapse

Yeah that was fun times.

Luckily, thanks to using docker, it was easy enough to “pin” a working version in the compose file while I figured out what just broke.

For everyone’s reference, here’s my fstab to give you an idea of what works with’s qbittorrent

## Media disks setup for mergerfs and snapraid

# Map cache to 1TB SSD
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Samsung_SSD_860_EVO_1TB_S3Z8NB0K820469N-part1 /mnt/ssd1 xfs defaults 0 0

# Map storage and parity. All spinning disks.
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD100EZAZ-11TDBA0_JEK39X4N-part1 /mnt/par1         xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD100EZAZ-11TDBA0_JEK3TY5N-part1 /mnt/disk01       xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD100EZAZ-11TDBA0_JEK4806N-part1 /mnt/disk02       xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD100EZAZ-11TDBA0_JEK4H0RN-part1 /mnt/disk03       xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N4XFT0TS-part1 /mnt/disk04 xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N4XFT1YS-part1 /mnt/disk05 xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N4XFT3EK-part1 /mnt/disk06 xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N6CKJJ6P-part1 /mnt/disk07 xfs defaults 0 0

# Setup mergerfs backing pool
/mnt/disk* /mnt/stor fuse.mergerfs defaults,nonempty,allow_other,use_ino,inodecalc=path-hash,cache.files=off,moveonenospc=true,dropcacheonclose=true,link_cow=true,minfreespace=1000G,category.create=pfrd,fsname=mergerfs 0 0

# Setup mgergerfs caching pool
/mnt/ssd1:/mnt/disk* /mnt/cstor fuse.mergerfs defaults,nonempty,allow_other,use_ino,inodecalc=path-hash,cache.files=partial,moveonenospc=ff,dropcacheonclose=true,minfreespace=10G,category.create=ff,fsname=cachemergerfs 0 0 on 27 Aug 2024 16:01 collapse

Yeah, it took me FOREVER to finally land on a useful search result for WTF was going on (thanks Google, you pile of junk!) because the impact was that everything looked perfectly fine, you just… couldn’t download anything?

No errors, no faults, nothing in the logs, just adding anything resulted in absolutely nothing happening.

Really freaking weird. on 26 Aug 2024 22:57 next collapse

bcachefs will fill this role someday.

For now there is ZFS which as a cache drive option. Keep in mind it will absolutely destroy the cache drive by wearing out the flash

You also could look into ZFS special disks. However, if you are going that way already you might as well get a bunch of disks. on 27 Aug 2024 00:10 next collapse

Ill look into ZFS, but in meantime I found out my HDD is probably not bottleneck. Still want to learn about this so thanks for your comment on 27 Aug 2024 06:42 collapse

ZFS ZIL will not help in this case. on 27 Aug 2024 12:57 next collapse

I used lvm with SSD cache few years, but time to time I have problems with loads after reboot. If forgot about reboots all work great with LVM raid + LVM cache. Cache can be configured without raid. And you can add or remove cache in any time. Docs: on 27 Aug 2024 13:58 collapse

cache few years, but time to time I have problems w

Thx, Ill check it out on 27 Aug 2024 13:05 collapse

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I’ve seen in this thread:

Fewer Letters More Letters
LVM (Linux) Logical Volume Manager for filesystem mapping
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks for mass storage
SSD Solid State Drive mass storage
ZFS Solaris/Linux filesystem focusing on data integrity

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