Post your bandwidth usage
from to on 01 Jan 11:41

It goes without saying that self hosting uses a lot of bandwidth. But I’m curious… how much do y’all use? Post your stats!


threaded - newest on 01 Jan 12:00 next collapse

About half a terabyte per month. My router doesn't write the logs to disk so I don't have any detailed statistics. on 01 Jan 12:02 next collapse

no details at the moment, but I upload nearly 1Tb / day of media. so 25TB per month UPLOAD, you can imagine my downloads. on 01 Jan 12:24 next collapse

What exactly are you self-hosting that’s gobbling up that much data? I’ve been self-hosting my website for decades and haven’t used that much over all that time let alone in one month.

Most of my bandwidth consumption is from torrents and downloading Steam games, but even that doesn’t get me to even 1tb/month. on 01 Jan 13:04 next collapse

Seed more ;) on 01 Jan 15:10 next collapse

That’s not “self hosting” related tho lol on 02 Jan 00:25 next collapse

>:( on 04 Jan 15:21 collapse

I seed what you did there. on 01 Jan 18:04 collapse

Video is what gobbles up that much data. They likely have friends and family streaming from their media server. on 01 Jan 18:27 collapse

40 TiB per month are 1.3 TiB daily. Even at 10 GiB per movie that’s 100 movies every single day. I doubt that is the reason. on 02 Jan 00:54 next collapse

Probably just data hoarding downloading tons of content that will never get watched. on 03 Jan 10:45 collapse

downloading tons of content that will never be watched

Negative connotation


Archiving media

Positive connotation on 02 Jan 05:10 collapse

Plenty of 4k HDR videos are 50+GB each and OP could have a dozen people or more watching each day plus new downloads, online backups, seeding, etc.

I have a decent sized server with terrible upload speeds in the 15Mbps range that I share with some friends and family, and I still have 5-6 people streaming from my server almost constantly. If I had a symmetrical connection, I wouldn’t be shy about sharing it more and uncapping the remote bitrate settings and I could easily see myself hitting these numbers even though almost all my content is 720p and 1080p. on 02 Jan 09:37 collapse

So how much traffic do you generate? on 02 Jan 22:10 collapse

I’m currently at 3TB a month and that’s with capping my seeding speeds to 2Mbps and remote streams to 3Mbps (essentially SD quality) to conserve what little upload speed I have to split amongst my users.

I don’t know why you’re so adamant that this can’t be the cause when video is hands down the most common reason for high data usage. Downloading a video is just 1x the file size in data usage but streaming to friends and family can easily increase that 1x infinitely based on the number of users. Then throw seeding on top of that and you increase it another 5x or what have you.

I’m browsing Tautulli right now and the little 4k content I have has a bitrate of 25Mbps for an hour long TV episode while movies like Akira in 4k has a bitrate of 90Mbps, Bladerunner 2049 70Mbps, Encanto 72Mbps. That crap adds up quickly. Imagine 6 kids who all have Encanto playing over and over again in the background, which amounts to 1TB of data used in 6 hours if they all play it 3 times.

What do you suspect is the cause of so much data usage if not video streaming? on 03 Jan 01:12 collapse

Downloading tons of content. Seems more likely than being a central streaming hub for tons of people for multiple reasons. on 04 Jan 01:50 collapse

And what would those “multiple reasons” be? Where is OP storing 400TB worth of downloads? on 04 Jan 09:20 collapse

Why would you put it in "? Do you think those are not going to be really and/or multiple?

We are talking about a monthly average upload of something like 100 Mbit/s, which of worth about constantly streaming 2 movies at 50 G. The peaks during prime time are multiples of that, realistically exceeding 1 GB/s, since most people stream evening/night. Then he would need to be streaming tons of movies, making him a prime target for a big lawsuit. Instead, if he just downloads and seeds some files, you get a near constant throughput. Linux, Tor node, or some mixture of all of that. But not a streaming service for a dozens of people. on 01 Jan 12:29 next collapse

Regarding your usage, you’re family name is Stark.

Winter is coming,
Be prepared, on 01 Jan 18:04 collapse

Tony Stark is always prepared. on 01 Jan 12:46 next collapse

Because bigger is better? on 01 Jan 13:29 next collapse

I’ve got about 25tb of Anna’s seeded, plus ArchiveTeam warrior running. I don’t look at my usage lol on 01 Jan 13:57 next collapse

I’m consistently below 30 GB, unless you include local traffic from my fileserver to endpoints (98% movies that I stream locally via. VLC over smb). And even then I usually don’t exceed 1 TB. on 01 Jan 14:37 next collapse

That looks like me, back when i still had space on my server :(

Anyone wants to donate a couple of 8+ tb drives?

[deleted] on 01 Jan 14:54 next collapse

. on 01 Jan 15:10 next collapse

 igb0  /  yearly

         year        rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
          2023     33.97 TiB |   22.90 TiB |   56.87 TiB |   15.86 Mbit/s
          2024    110.69 TiB |   32.26 TiB |  142.95 TiB |   39.76 Mbit/s
          2025     22.20 GiB |    7.14 GiB |   29.34 GiB |    4.35 Mbit/s
     ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- on 01 Jan 15:30 next collapse

Att’s usage meter sucks.

<img alt="" src=""> on 03 Jan 09:26 next collapse

lmaoo this is comical on 03 Jan 16:26 collapse

Lmao on 01 Jan 17:53 next collapse

Enough for xfinity to charge their bullshit fee for going over 1.2TB in December. Not enough to justify paying for unlimited data every month. on 02 Jan 02:57 collapse

I switched partly because of this. Now I pay less and have symmetrical speeds! on 01 Jan 18:10 next collapse

Almost 3TB this month.

Most of that was from downloading Stalker 2 and the updates for it, though. Game was fucking huge and a couple of the updates were as big as the whole ass game. on 01 Jan 20:03 next collapse

This is for the Lemmy.World server (just the physical box, not the related VMs). Around 12TB last month. <img alt="" src=""> on 02 Jan 02:38 next collapse

What are people using to monitor this? on 02 Jan 12:02 collapse

I use the reporting tools on my opnsense box. on 03 Jan 13:11 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 03 Jan 16:28 next collapse

My main server has 28 tb up and 8tb down checked via my router. on 04 Jan 03:58 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 08 Jan 13:07 collapse

<img alt="" src="">