self hosted excel like/note taking with columns
from to on 28 Nov 13:40


For a long time I have used google drive sheets in order to keep track of gym progress because it has columns and I can dedicate columns, colors, rows, etc for specific gym movements each week so I can keep track of progress, progressive overload correctly, and have a history of progress. ( Example: days | weight | push | bench::weight*sets/reps | etc)

I have been using libreofffice (and syncthing to back up to home server so I can later view on pc) to do this lately but the mobile app is … Hard to use for me. I also use obsidian to take general notes and lists but it is missing the dedicated columns I would like.

Is there other self hosted similar options for what I’m looking for specifically for mobile to PC backup.


threaded - newest on 28 Nov 13:47 next collapse

OnlyOffice has good mobile apps. on 28 Nov 13:54 next collapse

Ok thanks I’ll check it out

Edit: ok the mobile experience is 100x better thanks I think I will use this and setup next cloud or another solution for PC use aswell and that should solve my ‘issue’ I think on 29 Nov 05:20 collapse

I might need to try this. I’m using LibreOffice Online, and it kinda sucks on mobile. on 28 Nov 14:16 next collapse

Since this is selfhosted, why not this one: on 28 Nov 14:36 next collapse

A few options - What about Tables in NextCloud? Also I’m sure that there are some self hosted exercise trackers out there. Maybe FitTrackee on 28 Nov 14:54 next collapse

I’ve looked into multiple fitness trackers like this one but they focus more on ’ activities’ like running distance, hiking area etc not how many sets of bench you did at what weight (weight lifting exercises) Maybe I just looked at the wrong ones but FitTrackee looks to not support that. on 28 Nov 21:29 next collapse

ah yeah. Its worth having a look at a few and maybe starting a discussion about adding those kind of features. I know nothing about weightlifting but it sounds like your requirements would be common ones.

What other Apps have you looked at? on 28 Nov 21:31 collapse

What about on 29 Nov 01:47 next collapse

Neat didn’t see this one before. I will also try this out the setup looks daunting to be honest though but I’ll try on 29 Nov 09:22 collapse

I was going to add this to the wishlist for - It could be a useful addition - I find that Yunohost makes self hosting pretty straightforward.

Can you use their instance to start with? on 29 Nov 09:22 collapse

If you remind me in 15 days Ill add the app to Yunohost wishlist. on 29 Nov 17:04 collapse

It’s quite limited. I would recommend Grist instead. on 29 Nov 17:23 collapse

Is that #grist ? on 29 Nov 19:54 collapse

Yes, it is. I’ve been using the OSS image and it has been working quite well. on 28 Nov 16:00 next collapse

I think you should explore “No code database” like Teable. on 28 Nov 16:01 next collapse

You could, in Teable, have a form view. In this view you could add your exercises one by one to add to the table. on 28 Nov 16:09 collapse

Ohhh nice. Just scanned there webpage and definitely looks good and interesting. Definitely going to try this could work the best. Thanks on 28 Nov 16:47 collapse

Feel free to message me here, or reply to this comment if you need help with this. on 29 Nov 16:02 collapse

Just set it up and tested it out a little and this is what I’m going to use it fits best for me right now thanks for showing this. It looks like I can also import the previous excel sheets I have.

Huge thanks

Edit: meant to say mobile via browser works great too on 28 Nov 23:14 collapse

This looks amazing. And the fact that is uses postgres is a huge seller for me. Thanks for sharing this. on 28 Nov 20:09 next collapse

Have you checked if there is any Obsidian plugin that can do the trick? on 29 Nov 01:48 collapse

No I’ll look into it didn’t know there were plugins on 29 Nov 00:16 next collapse on 29 Nov 14:27 collapse

Came here to suggest the same app! Seriously good app. on 29 Nov 04:31 next collapse

I haven’t tried them but some people have made templates for obsidian

[deleted] on 30 Nov 16:03 collapse
