Duck DNS's nameserver isn't working (
from to on 02 Mar 07:26


I don’t know if it’s just me or is actually down for everyone else. I can’t nslookup my domain name also can’t access my website.

Edit: It’s back on :)


threaded - newest on 02 Mar 08:38 next collapse on 02 Mar 09:33 next collapse

Seems to be online, but honestly duckdns isn’t exceptionally reliable…

Check out hurricane electric. You can activate any A record as a DDNS record:

Once the A record is activated, they’ll give you a key that you can simply update with curl or something similar. I created a function for my shell and just run it via crontab;

fn ddns { xhs -4 ""(xhs -4 -b }

and then just execute:

❯ ddns
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
Content-Length: 18
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2025 09:35:31 GMT
Email: DNS Administrator <>
Expires: Mon, 02 Mar 2026 09:35:31 GMT
Server: v0.0.1

nochg {ip}

No dependencies, no software, and is an ISP/Transit/COLO so they’re highly available (…). I’ve been using their service for 5-6 years and never been down. on 02 Mar 13:39 next collapse

Yeah I switched to my own domain and Cloudflare some time ago because Duckdns is down too often. on 02 Mar 14:13 collapse

freedns is good too but I ended up buying my own domain the other day for like 4 quid and now all my services get a much nicer name and unlimited DNS records on 02 Mar 18:10 collapse

“unlimited DNS records”??

That’s like saying “I bought a house and I get unlimited door opens”

If you buy a domain you have full access and control over all of it.

A .com domain should only cost around $13/yr USD, and other TLDs can be even cheaper. There’s really no good reason to use some service that limits control and access just to save so little. on 02 Mar 18:29 collapse

idk about others but at least with freedns you get 25 subdomains for free and obviously risk clashing names under the same shared domain. on 02 Mar 18:52 collapse

Right. I’m not talking about the free service. I’m talking about the paid domain with “unlimited DNS records”. That just seems so weird and kind of a red flag. It seems I can’t find information about that without an account, either. Also weird and a red flag. But maybe that info is just buried in their site somewhere in the not-so-great design. on 02 Mar 21:45 collapse

I think you misunderstood that they were citing that as a feature difference between your own domain and the free services. on 02 Mar 22:09 collapse

Oh, maybe. It’s rather confusing if that’s so. on 02 Mar 15:04 collapse is an alternative, just in case you want to switch some day

I had problems with duckdns as well. Never had problems with ipv64